Emergency Management Performance Grant

The application period is now closed.

If you have questions concerning the EMPG grant, please contact Darryl Erickson at darryl.erickson1@wyo.gov or call (307) 777-4917

The purpose of the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) is to assist state and local governments in enhancing and sustaining all-hazards emergency management capabilities. 

States have the opportunity to use EMPG funds to further strengthen their ability to support emergency management mission areas while simultaneously addressing issues of national concern as identified in the National Priorities of the National Preparedness Guidelines.

Day-to-day disasters continue to highlight the critical importance of effective catastrophic all-hazards preparedness, which includes prevention, mitigation, protection, response, and recovery activities. An all-hazards approach to emergency management preparedness, including the development of a comprehensive program of planning, training, and exercises, provides for an effective and consistent response to disaster or emergency, regardless of the cause.

The EMPG Program requires a 50 percent federal and 50 percent state cost share, cash or in-kind, match, as authorized by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Public Law 93-288), as amended, 42 U.S.C. 5121-5207, specifically, Title VI, sections 611( j ) and 614.  

Forms and Documents

Please download the forms and save them locally. Edit access will not be given to the Google Drive.