All-Hazards Incident Management Team Qualification System
Spencer Pollock 307-777-4903
Welcome to the Wyoming All-Hazards Incident Management Team Qualification System (WIMTQS)
The WIMTQS integrates best practices adapted from NIMS sources as well as the tried and proven history the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) has had with managing an incident qualification system. The Wyoming system and guide have been adapted from the All-Hazards Incident Management Team Association and their Interstate Incident Management Team Qualifications System (IIMTQS). We also utilize some of the FEMA National Qualification System (NQS) program elements to make our program more well rounded and robust.
The Wyoming State Qualifications Review Committee has worked very hard to make our credentialing system a success.
Please check out the WIMTQS Guide under Certifications for all information, including applications.
About the AHIMT
Wyoming All-Hazards Incident Management Team Mission Statement: "To provide qualified All-Hazards Incident Management Teams for the State of Wyoming and its political subdivisions capable of supporting and assisting in the management of natural and manmade emergencies and disasters and acts of terrorism."
The Wyoming Office of Homeland Security in conjunction with the Wyoming State Fire Marshals Office, Wyoming State Forestry, Wyoming Department of Health and multiple state and local resources as well as the All Hazards Incident Management Team State Qualification Review Committee (SQRC) developed the processes for credentialing individuals at the Type 3 level in the State of Wyoming. The oversight board also developed a training plan, prerequisites of team members and an application process for teams and individuals.
Background of AHIMTs
An AHIMT is a multi-agency/multi-jurisdiction team for extended incidents, formed and managed at the state, regional or metropolitan level. It is a designated team of trained personnel from different departments, organizations, agencies, and jurisdictions within a state or DHS Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) region, activated to support incident management at incidents that extend beyond one operational period. Type 3 AHIMTs are deployed as a team of 8-12 trained personnel to assist in the management of major and/or complex incidents requiring a significant number of local, regional, and state resources, that extend into multiple operational periods and require a written Incident Action Plan (IAP), such as a tornado touchdown, earthquake, flood, or at planned mass-gathering events.
Type 3 Teams
A multi-agency/multi-jurisdiction team for extended incidents.
Formed and managed at the state or regional level.
Deployed as a team of 8-12* qualified personnel to manage major and/or complex incidents.
Includes natural, technological, and human-caused hazards and threats.
*Trained personnel consist of those who have taken the following courses: IS-100, 200, 700, 701, 800, ICS 300 and 400; Command and General Staff Functions for Local IMT, Position Specific training including, but not limited to Operations Section Chief, Safety Officer, Liaison Officer, Planning Section Chief, Logistics Sections Chief, Finance and Administration Section Chief, Public Information Officer and Incident Commander Course. Each team member is required to have annual continued education of at least 16 hours.
To find out when the next training courses provided by the Wyoming Homeland Security Training Program (WHSTP) are available, visit the Training and Events Calendar. Jurisdictions forming an AHIMT will have preference for in-state AHIMT courses, anyone who wishes to attend the AHIMT training are welcome if there are any vacancies in the courses.
To find out more about training courses provided by Emergency Management Institute visit the FEMA/EMI Training Website.

Please take a look at the presentation to get an idea of where we have been and where we are heading with the Wyoming AHIMT program.
If you are wanting to join our State Qualification Review Committee as a member, please reach out to or 307-777-4903 for current openings. If you meet the discipline requirement that is missing (e.g. Fire Service, Local Government, etc), please click the above link to fill out an application to express interest.
Listed below are the individuals that represent the State Qualifications Review Committee (SQRC).
Currently, there are open positions available in the Volunteer sector, Local Government sector and Public Works sector. . If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit your application to Spencer Pollock at the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security. Applications and further details on submissions can be downloaded by clicking the link below.Wyoming State Forestry Division
Jerod Delay, Fire Management OfficerWyoming Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety
Ian Kraft, Training Program ManagerWyoming Office of Homeland Security
Lynn Budd, DirectorWyoming Department of Health
Scott Logan, Public Health Division & EMS Licensing CoordinatorEducation
Dr. James A. Burghard, Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)Emergency Management
Jeanine West, Laramie County Emergency ManagerRich Ochs, Teton County Emergency ManagerFire Service
Craig Haslam, Fremont County Fire Protection DistrictAndrew Dykshorn, Cheyenne Fire & RescueHealth Care
Collin Baldacci, Evansville Fire & EMSLaw Enforcement
Donald Heiduck, Wyoming State ParksJoshua Holland, University of Wyoming Police DepartmentLocal Government
Mark Pepper, Natrona County Wardwell Water and Sewer DistrictOpen PositionPublic Works
Open PositionVolunteer
Bob Sherard, Laramie County