Wyoming Office of Homeland Security

Preparing Wyoming to respond to and recover from all-hazards.

Governor Mark Gordon Portrait
Director Lynn Budd portrait
Announcements Slider Show

Do you need information on official state foreign travel? Find out more at https://ets.wyo.gov/cybersecurity/foreign-travel

Region 8 Critical Infrastructure Resilience Conference

CISA Region 8 and the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security (WOHS) invite you to join the 2024 Region 8 Critical Infrastructure Resilience Conference. Reference the attached flyer for additional details and to register. The 2024 theme is Preparing our communities for the future through secure and resilient infrastructure and will be an opportunity for conversational collaboration with stakeholders throughout the region seeking to increase the security and resilience of our critical infrastructure. Download the flier.


Event Information

Watch our newest preparedness video starring Moonpie Starbox. She is sharing  preparedness tips for pets.