Radiological Services
Dillon Conner
The Radiological Services Program serves as the state’s radiation authority. Although not a regulatory program, WOHS personnel work in partnership with our public and private stakeholders to develop a robust radiation preparedness program. The task of information sharing and support to our federal and neighboring state regulatory authorities is among our top priorities. Tasks performed to support this mission include:
Preparedness/response support,
Threat/vulnerability planning,
Training (in partnership with DOE contractors and WOHS staff),
Liaison with state and federal agencies concerning nuclear/radioactive materials,
Instrumentation (including annual calibration and maintenance,) and
Support the state's PRND mission.
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Program
Wyoming receives more than 700 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) shipments annually. Our participation in the Western Interstate Energy Board (WIEB) working group assures the safe and efficient transportation of Transuranic Waste across our state. This group reviews all matters of this process from safe parking and route security to emergency response and public information.
The WIPP transportation corridor in Wyoming resides on I-80 from the Southwestern corners of the state leading onto I-25 Southbound to the Colorado border. The radiological program manager serves as the state liaison to provide oversight of tasks agreed to under an annual cooperative agreement with the Department of Energy (DOE) through the Western Governors Association (WGA).
The program manager also serves as the governor’s representative on the WGA’s WIPP/Technical Advisory Group (TAG). Wyoming Highway Patrol has eight Level VI CVSA troopers that perform inspections on WIPP shipments that travel through our state to assure federal compliance and the safe operation of the vehicles. In addition, these troopers provide for the security and safe parking of these shipments when weather or other restrictions may impact their dedicated routes.