Wyoming Office of Homeland Security

Preparing Wyoming to respond to and recover from all-hazards.

Governor Mark Gordon Portrait
Director Lynn Budd portrait
Announcements Slider Show

Do you need information on official state foreign travel? Find out more at https://ets.wyo.gov/cybersecurity/foreign-travel

Registration for the Wyoming K-12 Safety and Security Summit Ends Soon!

This is the last week to register for the Wyoming K-12 Safety and Security Summit on September 12, 2024 in Cheyenne. Register now! 

Once you've registered, or if you have already registered, please help us focus the discussions and work sessions by taking a quick moment to fill out our questionnaire.

The K-12 Safety and Security Summit is for school district personnel, emergency management personnel, and consultants who frequently work with school facilities to share their best practices and challenges in addition to receiving the latest information on how The Wyoming Department of Education, the State Construction Department, and the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security can help districts secure their facilities. This is also a chance for Districts to help focus state efforts to improve safe and secure school facilities for Wyoming students. 

The summit will feature addresses from Superintendent of Public Instruction, Megan Degenfelder; Director of State Construction Department, Delbert McOmie; and Director of Wyoming Office of Homeland Security, Lynn Budd. Most of the summit will focus on interactive working breakout sessions addressing  Crisis Management Plan Guidebook, Facility Security Challenges, and District Coordination with Local Emergency Management.

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Red Lion Inn for both nights of September 11th and 12th at $87 a night under "State Construction Department". Unreserved rooms will be released on September 5th. 

Red Lion Inn, Cheyenne
204 W Fox Farm Rd

Contact Shelby Carlson at (307) 777-8671 or shelby.carlson@wyo.gov for more information. 

Watch our newest preparedness video starring Moonpie Starbox. She is sharing  preparedness tips for pets.