Wyoming Office of Homeland Security

Preparing Wyoming to respond to and recover from all-hazards.

Governor Mark Gordon Portrait
Director Lynn Budd portrait
Announcements Slider Show

Do you need information on official state foreign travel? Find out more at https://ets.wyo.gov/cybersecurity/foreign-travel

Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Draft for Teton County Available for Public Review and Comment

Wyoming Region 8 (Teton County) is now soliciting public comment on the Region 8 Hazard Mitigation Plan before it's finalized and submitted for FEMA review and approval. The final plan will be adopted by each participating entity before it becomes official. More information can be obtained by contacting our office at 307-777-4900 or Teton County Emergency Management at 307-733-9572.

The comment period will be January 15-31, 2025.

The draft plan can be accessed here.

An online form to provide feedback on the plan can be accessed here.

Watch our newest preparedness video starring Moonpie Starbox. She is sharing  preparedness tips for pets.